Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Living, Loving, Laughing & Fighting

“ A wedding is a start of togetherness and we have decided to annoy each other for the rest of our lives “
Yes! you have read it right. We decided to annoy & not love each other for the rest of our lives. These were the words that we chose when we decided to formally let the world know that we were ready to be called as husband and wife. These wonderful words made way into our glorious wedding invite, which we designed by breaking all geographical barriers while my husband was at Singapore and I was in Johannesburg. God bless, Mr Tim Berner and Mr Graham Bell for opening all channels of communication for us.

I remember one of my dear elderly friend and ex-colleague after reading my invite advised me to start  on a positive note and not by annoying each other. I laughed out loud and brushed it aside. Now, when I look back since the day when we started our journey together, we actually annoy each other on a daily basis. This statement on wedding card which we added just for fun, turned out to be true.

Marriage is all about learning, sharing even if you annoy each other. Marrying to a person of absolutely contrasting personality can always aid in learning process. My husband is a bibliophile, verses from Shakespeare, Tolstoy etc are at the tip of his fingers. To the contrary, i am just an average English speaker.There are instances when i and my husband are having an argument on some trivial issue. It is a situation where i am confident that i have an upper hand and i would definitely win an argument. I am sure of being able to take over the entire situation and then my husband introduces me to some weird word from Oxford dictionary or an uncommon idiom which i don't understand. Now, here I get stuck in a situation which is absolutely ridiculous, i really want to argue but then I land up thinking what is it that he actually meant ?  Though these moments are highly irritating at first, but then it turns hilarious and funny as this trick of my husbands really calms down my anger and we end up finding humor in this situation. We have shared multiple instance like this, which has eased out a grave and a heated argument between us and we have ended up laughing together.In this entire process, i have always learnt more. 

Love and marriage is always about growing up, living , loving, laughing and fighting where fighting must convert to learning for both the partners. Some say marriage is a work, some say marriage is a societal pressure, and some say marriage is to grow. Choice is always ours. It is up to us to make it living, loving, laughing and a healthy fighting.

A great marriage is not when the “perfect couple” comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. –Dave Meurer

“This post is a part of #LoveAndLaughter activity at BlogAdda in association with Caratlane.”